As important as it is for children to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic, I believe it is equally important for children to learn how to be compassionate, caring individuals.  Too often in education we tend to focus on measurable outcomes and neglect how a child develops emotional intelligence.  Without a strong sense of self-worth and confidence children will be less likely to achieve at the three R’s.  If young children are allowed to learn about their feelings and emotions, and how to communicate their feelings with others, they are more likely to be prepared for a structured school setting where they are required to express themselves and their needs to teachers and peers.  There are several factors involved in teaching positive guidance to young children, and it has been my experience that many topics can be addressed and studied in nature.  We can teach children about cooperation, caring, gentleness, and problem solving by studying the natural cycles of plants and animals and the seasons.  We can also use structured gardens to teach these core morals alongside the three R’s.  A child’s attention and learning interest is usually captured by something in the natural world, and it is this natural learning process that I hope to nuture in the garden.

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