How many band-aids does it take to heal a nation?

Here in Topeka, KS, folks are ever-giving. They donate to Silverbackks, a group that helps the homeless with food and necessities. They donate to United Way which supports child care providers. They donate to Red Cross, helping people through extreme tragedies. They buy items from school fundraisers. They donate to their church food pantry. Humans,…

I am woman hear me roar!

In animal species across the Earth it is usually the mothers, the females, who care, nurture, and continue their species survival. Lionesses bring the food to the family, female gorillas tend and clean the nests and fellow family members, female alligators carry their babies until they are large enough to fight off predators. My favorite…

Think Small Thanksgiving

Is it just me, or is facebook seriously the easiest platform to use for sharing information?! I haven’t been sharing as much as I should to facebook. All the news that’s fit to print comes from several sources, and it’s a bit overwhelming. The Pitch in Kansas City recently summed up what has been happening in…

Much Love and Many Thanks to Teachers

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week! Have you thanked a teacher today? Who was your favorite teacher growing up? Or did you hate school and couldn’t get out fast enough? Remember, Dear Reader, there is so much going on behind the scenes at school that it will blow your mind the work teachers really do! Public school…

Big Time Elections in Small Town Topeka

Monday evening I chatted with most of the candidates for Topeka City Council and Mayor. I had a set of questions on issues that concern me in our once-fair city, and the experience confirmed (again) that the people are changing. Many candidates are progressive, or lean to the left, and Topeka is a small blue…